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Straight out of the Landmark's Preservation Commission!  Our very OWN architectural survey and report from 1978. Since time travel is so popular these days no reason not to bring the past forward and save these gorgeous buildings AND our neighborhood from unscrupulous developers!!!  It's a fun read! 

Our Armory Presentation-Yes We Can!

What SHOULD and COULD be.  We've got the vision and the chops to pull this off, does the city want this PUBLICILY owned (that means OUR) property to be sold off to luxury developers with a few "affordable" apartments no one here can afford or do our politiicians want a WIN for the community?  World class civic center?  Check out OUR proposal...

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

1035-1079 Carrol Street

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Susanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

by Suzanne Spellen

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The Brownstoner Series: Building of the Day

by Suzanne Spellen (aka Montrose Morris)

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